Electronic & Online Forms

Delight members with online applications and documents.

Webforms saves your staff valuable time by allowing members to submit documents without coming into a branch. So you can expedite applications for customers and simplify the way you deliver online services.


Make Banking more convenient

Submitting documents manually means your members are forced to come into the branch for every necessary form or application.

With webforms, your customers can securely apply for services or send supporting documents, wherever they are – at their convenience.

Make banking
Improve productivity-1

Improve Productivity (while helping
our planet)

By eliminating the need to organize and store physical documents, your team can accomplish more important tasks, and you can do your part toward a more sustainable environment.

Attract a wider pool of members

Allowing your members to complete transactions remotely will help you attract customers from new geographical locations – so you can keep on growing, without the overhead of opening new branches.

Attract a wider pool-1
Ensure data

Ensure data accuracy

Eliminate manual data-entry errors such as the wrong address or an extra zero.

Save time and hassle with a powerful digital system that pinpoints errors or inconsistencies immediately.

Improve the efficiency of your operations

Webforms makes it easier and faster to:

  • Accept, send, and process forms
  • Send automatic updates or information
  • Receive necessary supporting documents and expedite loans or other services
Improve the efficiency-1
What Our Clients Say
About Us

We’re here with you at every step of your journey.

We don’t just provide tech solutions and consulting. We help you adopt and master new workflows and new tech by thoroughly training you and your team on every function.

With step-by-step user guides, ongoing group webinars, and one-on-one support, your staff can transition seamlessly to digital. So you can seamlessly transition into new ways of working and continue growing well into the future.