Digital Transformation Insights

4 min read

What is a Technology Stack?

Jun 25, 2024 1:12:51 PM

Many mid-sized financial companies, government agencies, and educational institutions have been reluctantly dragged into the information digitization age. If that sounds like you or your company, you’re certainly not alone. If the thought of transferring copies of physically held information to the cloud sounds daunting or complicated, you’re also definitely not alone.

One of the terms you may have heard as you’ve been pondering this inevitable transfer is technology stack. Some people refer to it as tech stack, web stack, platform stack, tech infrastructure, or simply stack. But what is it, exactly, and why is it important for business owners to understand this concept? This blog has the answer to that and more.

What is a Tech Stack?

A tech stack, defined simply, is the collection of technologies used to create an electronic application, product, or service for customers. While customers usually only see the finished product, or front end, there are many technology applications and utilities churning beneath the surface. Ever seen a diagram of an iceberg? A tech stack has many similarities.

As a business owner, you don’t have to intimately understand the ins and outs of each aspect of your product’s tech stack. As your trusted technology partner, CDP can help determine your specific needs when it comes to offering customers a modern, streamlined experience. Knowing how a tech stack fits into your larger business plan, however, is important for an optimal partnership.

What are the Components of a Typical Technology Stack?

Here’s a somewhat difficult pill to swallow: there’s really no such thing as a typical tech stack. Just like the administrative side of a public high school differs from, say, a mid-sized credit union, the underlying technological applications will vary wildly.

CDP understands the impracticality of one-size-fits-all “solutions,” so we can work with you to find the right fit for your company’s long-term objectives. If we were to provide a bare-bones tech stack example—which works well for plenty of organizations—it would probably look something like this:

  • The interface and framework customers use when interacting with your company (the front end). Common brands for this part of your electronic product include Vue.js, Bootstrap, Emberjs, and React.
  • Programming language and operating system (your tech stack may eventually have multiple). Java, Javascript, Python, PHP, and Ruby are popular programming languages for tech stacks. You might choose an operating system like iOS, Android, or Linux.
  • Data storage and categorizing tools, such as MongoDB, MySQL, AzureSQL, or PostgreSQL.
  • User analytics and other monitoring tools, including Google Analytics, Heap, Mixpanel, and more.

Why Does Having a Tech Stack Matter?

Achieving your company’s deliverables—from meeting sales quotas, having effective internal team collaboration, and actually providing customers what they have paid for—cannot be accomplished in this day and age without the right tech stack. Getting it right the first time can also help your company’s scalability with minimal issues down the road.

A crucial element of many tech stacks is the ability to measure how well products and services are doing. If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. A thoughtful tech stack for your business or organization can help set the cultural tone for your employees and third-party stakeholders.

Insider Tips to Optimize Your Tech Stack

Again, no two tech stacks are identical. What’s important to your company may not be the same for even your competitors. After all, keeping your competitive edge is something CDP values. For many of our clients, though, the following pieces of advice may be especially useful.

Security, Security, Security

If there’s one thing your business needs to prioritize when developing its tech stack, it might be data security. Choosing the right system to hold and protect sensitive data could help you avoid costly fines and penalties.

Determine How Much You Want to Replace

Building a tech stack doesn’t always mean you need to scrap the digital tools you currently have. If a current process of yours works well, there’s no reason to change it for change’s sake. At the same time, don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great!

Identify What, Exactly You Want to Improve

It might seem simple and obvious, but it bears repeating: your tech stack should make things easier for you. Try not to get caught up in having the newest, shiniest technology. Keep the end goal in mind as you develop your tech strategy.

Let CDP Elevate Your Company’s Technology Applications

CDP helps you build an intuitive and customized tech stack for your institution or organization. We will stay connected with you every step of the way so you know exactly what’s going on. You can be sure we’ll stick around to train your team, too.

To streamline, digitize, and upgrade current processes, get in touch with our team at your convenience. We're here to see you and your company succeed at the highest level. 

Nirav Doshi
Written by Nirav Doshi

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