Digital Transformation Insights

3 min read

5 Ways to Leverage Technology to Create a Better Member Experience

Jan 18, 2022 10:21:00 AM

better member experience

It’s no secret that customers today expect modern experiences. Gone are the days of making purchase decisions based on price and quality of service. Instead, customers expect personalized experiences, on-demand convenience, consistency across devices, and the ability to take care of tasks at the exact moment they want to.

Good news: By making smart investments in digital banking solutions, banks and credit unions can meet all of these expectations—and even surpass them. Keep reading to learn about five ways to leverage banking solutions to improve the member experience.

1. Increase employee efficiency with digital tools.

When banks and credit unions rely on paper-based, manual workflows, employees can’t operate as efficiently as possible. In such environments, it’s not uncommon for critical forms and documentation to get misplaced, making it that much harder for tellers and staff to respond to member requests with urgency. 

Still bogged down by manual paper processes? Learn how CDP helped Visionary  FCU accelerate its digital transformation.

Luckily, there’s an easy fix here. By investing in enterprise content management solutions like Laserfiche, banks and credit unions will have peace of mind knowing that their employees can easily track down the information they need. As a result, employees can reclaim the time previously spent searching for files and reinvest it in member-facing activities, strengthening the overall member experience.

2. Make it easy for members to deposit checks on the go.

In the digital age, customers know how easy things should be. When it comes to improving the member experience, one low-hanging fruit is to invest in mobile apps that enable members to deposit checks wherever and whenever. This allows them to bank on the go, providing unrivaled, impressive convenience.

3. Give members the ability to sign documents online.

Customers today are increasingly on the go. That being the case, they don’t necessarily have time to head to the bank and drop off things like loan applications or mortgage refinancing documentation. Additionally, they don’t want to spend time printing out forms, signing them, and either scanning them or sending them through the mail.

By investing in digital solutions like eSign, Webforms, and Laserfiche, it’s possible to overcome these challenges and enable members to easily locate, fill-out, and sign all relevant documentation online. 

As a result, banks and credit unions that embrace these technologies can deliver experiences that members expect—allowing them to take care of their banking needs without interrupting their lives.

4. Provide efficient, personalized experiences every time.

Customers today expect personalized experiences. In the world of banks and credit unions, smart investments in technology can go a long way toward delivering on these expectations.

For example, eTeller is a digital teller solution designed to speed up teller lines, improve teller productivity, and give tellers the data and tools they need to capitalize on each interaction. With eTeller, it’s never been easier to take advantage of personalized upselling opportunities based on each member’s history, needs, and wants. 

5. Engage customers digitally to add more value.

Chances are, the bulk of your members are in their inboxes throughout the day and spend a lot of time on social media channels. Take advantage of these inclinations by using social media and email marketing outreach to reach your customers in non-branch settings.

For example, you can use digital channels to share news about new products and services your organization has rolled out — like the ability for members to access and sign forms online. Doing so ensures that members become aware of these new offerings, increasing adoption and enhancing the member experience.

Transform the member experience in 2022 and beyond.

If you’re looking to make significant improvements in how you approach your members, CDP can help. Contact us today to learn more about meeting customer expectations and standing out from the pack with digital banking solutions. 

While you’re at it, check out this case study to learn how Visionary Federal Credit Union (FCU) partners with CDP to build an efficient and effective credit union that is positioned to delight members for years to come.


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Kait Kluz
Written by Kait Kluz

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