Digital Transformation Insights

3 min read

5 Ways Credit Unions Can Effectively Interact with Members Virtually

Nov 16, 2021 12:32:00 PM

CDP Blog #22

The pandemic caused many credit unions to rethink their operations. When members and staff couldn’t physically enter their credit unions, the credit unions were forced to embrace remote work solutions and alternative ways to serve their members.

Although investing in digital tools and workflows can increase your credit union’s productivity and provide convenience to members, buying technology won’t solve all your problems. 

After all, your credit union prides itself on offering great service and developing strong personal relationships with each member. Unfortunately, this can be hard to translate to the virtual world. But it’s not impossible.

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With all this in mind, here are five ways you can effectively interact with members virtually—and provide exemplary experiences along the way.

How can you effectively interact with members virtually?

In the digital age, there is no shortage of ways to virtually interact with your members and drive engagement.

1. Offer online training and resources.

You can’t expect your members to know about all of your latest offerings if they don’t know they exist or are unsure how to use them. 

For this reason, it’s important to offer online training courses and resources and educate your members about the new technologies you’re rolling out to enable virtual banking.

For example, you might decide to invest in Webforms, a digital solution that enables members to fill out and sign common forms via their phones or computers. As a result, the banking experience becomes more convenient, and it’s easier for employees to stay on top of task management. As you roll out Webforms, you might offer live training sessions over Zoom so that members can learn how to use the technology productively.

2. Build an online community.

In the age of the pandemic, many people feel lonely. One way to help your members overcome feelings of isolation is by building an online community.

Some tactics you can try include forming a Facebook group, putting a message board on your site, or integrating chat technology into your digital properties. Here, members can come together to discuss financial strategies and get to know each other on a personal level. 

Additionally, you can also host webinars from time to time to help members sharpen their financial skills.

3. Use a multichannel strategy.

Your members are all different, meaning they hang out in different places online. That being the case, it’s crucial to reach them in each of these locations—or channels—to make sure they are getting the most out of your content.

By implementing a multichannel strategy that combines several different mediums—including email, social media, and online video platforms—you can ensure that you serve up something for everyone.

4. Offer exclusive deals.

As you begin rolling out your digital strategy, you’re going to have to incentivize members to sign up for your channels. Consider launching raffles for those who sign up for your email list or publishing exclusive content members won’t find anywhere else.

5. Respond to feedback.

When your credit union starts investing in virtual outreach, members will certainly have some questions. Over time, they might begin asking questions over email instead of during an in-person visit.

For the best results, your team must respond to feedback as quickly as possible. The last thing you want is to make your members feel as though you’re not listening.

It’s time for your credit union to become a digital-first operation!

With the right approach, you can transform your credit union from an operation driven by manual and physical processes to one powered by digital tools and workflows.

Of course, doing this effectively requires investing in the right technologies—and doing everything you can to ensure they’re implemented as efficiently as possible.

As you begin overhauling your operations, keep in mind that you don’t have to do everything alone. By partnering with CDP, you can rest comfortably knowing that your credit union has the right tools in place to support your organization’s unique needs.

For more information on the easiest way to transform into a digital-first credit union, contact us today.

5 phases to digital transformation for credit unions

Kait Kluz
Written by Kait Kluz

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